Newark & Southwell Methodist Circuit Logo Link
Newark & Southwell
Methodist Circuit

Messy Church

messy church2

Messy Church is on the 3rd Friday in the month between 3.30pm & 5.15pm.

Want to try a different style of worship for you and your children? Come and join in the fun on your way back from picking up your children from school.

Worship begins with activities that are based around the theme of the session. As the name suggests, some of the activities will be messy! Get creative with your children and make models out of recycled material, baking decorating painting getting wet playing games singing create a collage take part in a drama and more... don't miss out. Something for everyone.

This is followed by a 'talk' or a story from our leader that is based around a passage from the bible and links to the activities. During this time Christian songs are sung we could have a short video.

Afterwards, tea is provided – this changes each fir month and might include bangers and mash, shepherd's pie, tuna bake, sandwiches and nibbles. This is followed by a pudding such as sponge and custard, jelly and ice cream, or fruit. All we ask for is a donation towards the cost of the food.

At the end you will all be spiritually and physically fed!! This is not just for children – all ages are welcome.


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