Newark & Southwell Methodist Circuit Logo Link
Newark & Southwell
Methodist Circuit

Collingham Methodist Church

97 High Street, Collingham, Newark, NG23 7NG

Rev'd Peter Bates (Minister)
01636 706264

All services usually held on church premises are currently suspended due to COVID-19.
Please look at our Facebook Page for details of livestream services

Covid-19 Update:

We are pleased to be able to open our church for Life 2K 6pm services once again. However, the format will be in line with government guidelines for Covid-19, with social distancing measures, face masks, hand sanitizers etc. (If you have your own face mask, please bring it with you.) Sorry there will be no teas or coffees and the service will last no longer than 45 minutes. The congregation is not allowed to sing, but Scott will be singing in his lovely baritone voice and John Lee will be amazing us with his expertise on the lead guitar. Occasionally Leon our drummer is also available for live music.

The rest of the information on this page applies to what will happens when we are once again able to meet with no government...

The service is called Life 2k.
We follow a traditional Methodist pattern with prayers, Address/Sermon etc. but the difference is that .... we like to sing at North End – we like to sing a lot! (You don't have to sing if you don't want to, please feel free just to listen.)

Leading us in worship each week and providing the live modern music are John Lee and Scott Walters..

The Twist ... Rock Music!

The Band plays the most up-to-date music from Matt Redman, Tim Hughes, Chris Tomlin, Brenton Brown and many, many more. The Band also plays music from the more traditional Songs of Fellowship style.

Our format:-You are welcomed to the service with a lively trio of songs

  • Typically followed by readings and prayers accompanied by a more reflective worship time with meaningful, meditative songs to help prepare you for the inspiring address provided by one of our own Ministers or Local Preachers.
  • Following the address and prayer, The Band will play another rousing selection of songs, then we finish the service with a blessing.

Cups of tea/coffee and biscuits ... sometimes cake(!) are served free of charge afterwards where all are invited to chat, reflect upon the service, talk to the Minister or Local Preacher.

We are a small and friendly congregation at North End and will welcome everyone warmly! We may be small in number but we are big in heart and have been providing a Methodist witness in our area for over 150 years!

Life 2k is a church service for all ages.
During the service any young children are welcomed to join our Treasure Seekers Sunday School where they can learn Christian teaching in a fun way. Doing crafts, watching short DVDs, bible studies, colouring, quizzes, playing games etc.

For the older, teenagers/young adults it's hoped that they will enjoy the Life 2k service, however every 6 weeks we hold a CYT event ( Church Youth Together) which is run by our own minister, Rev Peter and his wife Cathy. This involves discussions, DVDs, and other activities aimed at a more mature level. Food and snacks are also available – always popular with teenagers!

We do hope that you can join us ..... if only at least once, you will be made more than welcome!

We will look forward to seeing you ......

For more information about our church activities please go to our website:

north end
our worship space
worship in full swing
more worship in full swing
our band
© 2025 – Newark & Southwell Methodist Circuit