A reflection from the Superintendent – Revd Nathan Falla Having been brought up on Guernsey this weekend is very special. As Britain marked the 75th Anniversary
Tomorrow is the beginning of Christian Aid week and at 10.30 on the Circuit YouTube Channel ,Revd Nathan
Next week sees Christian Aid Week 2020. Normally Christian Aid week sees house to house collections, and various fundraising actvities, all of which are not possible
Today is Easter Sunday and those who have been able to, have gathered online to worship together. The reading was Matthew 28:1-10 If we had been there on that
The circuit team are planning a couple ofextra-special opportunities duringHoly Week including an Easter Dayservice that it is hoped will include a‘Love Feast’
To mark Good Friday there are two opportunites to gather online for worship via the Circuit YouTube Channel.
The circuit team are planning a couple of extra-special opportunities duringHoly Week including a live, onlineservice of Tenebrae. This will be streamed live on
As part of the journey through Holy Week we held a special Worship Wednesday. The service can be found on the Circuit
We are aware that the government and Methodist Church guidance and advice is constantly changing. Last week the news was for all Methodist Churches to cease gathering
As all the the church buildings are closed in the circuit, join us for worship online at our Facebook page.
Today (6th March) is the World Day of Prayer and across the world people are joining together to pray. Services have been taking place across Newark and Southwell
As we prepare for Britain to leave the European Union on 31st January 2020, several helpful articles have been published on the Methodist Church website. There