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2021 Lent Course – God's Story, Our Story

live lent 2021 circuit flyer

I'm pleased to be able to inform you that we will be following the#LiveLent Lent Courseagain this year (and this year it's happening across the circuit!) Some of you may have been part of this in the last two years. The popular course, this year, focusses on story – God's Story, Our Story.

From Ash Wednesday (17 February) to Easter Sunday (4 April), there will six reflections for each week, written by Stephen Hance (CofE National Lead for Evangelism and Witness). Each reflection will include a short passage from the Bible, a brief exploration of the reading, and aprayer. Additionally, each week's Sunday service (YouTube) will have a unifying theme and an action to be taken during the week.From Ash Wednesday (17 February) to Easter Sunday (4 April), there will six reflections for each week, written by Stephen Hance (CofE National Lead for Evangelism and Witness). Each reflection will include a short passage from the Bible, a brief exploration of the reading, and aprayer. Additionally, each week's Sunday service (YouTube) will have a unifying theme and an action to be taken during the week.

If you would like to take partfullyyou will need to order a course booklet.You can do this directly by going to the Church of England website ( ) or search #LiveLent. If you would like to order one through the church please contact the minister and we will place a bulk order at £2 per booklet (including a small levy in lieu of possible delivery costs and all surplus funds will be used to provide books to anyone who cannot afford and then channelled into church funds). Lent will soon be upon us, so if you would like a booklet in time DON'T DELAY we'll be ordering these booklet in sets of 50 beginning next week. If you live near to someone else (particularly those who are not online, why invite them – perhaps by telephone – if they would like to take part and organise a booklet for them too as a way of keeping folk connected!)

If you would like to be part of a small group during lent do get in touch. It is envisaged that these may be on Zoom initially and may become face-to-face as and when it becomes safe to do so, or remain on Zoom for as long as is desired. If you would like to join a small group, please get in touch with an idea of what time and day of the week you would prefer and groups will be organised accordingly. (Please get in touch regardless of whether you can participate online or in person but be sure to indicate if you are happy to join a Zoom group and whether – when it is safe to do so – you would prefer to meet face to face.)

If it's anything like the previous years it's going to be a great opportunity and in these times we all have a story to tell and need to hear more or (and share) God's story!

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