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Bible Month – Ruth for June

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June is Bible Month and this year we focus on the story of Ruth. "Ruth is a story about finding home and hope. Often read as a romantic comedy which begins, more or less, 'once upon a time' and ends, more or less, 'and they lived happily ever after,' those who spend time with it come to see how it resists interpretation. Unsettling and transformative, Ruth offers new models of relationship, and provokes fresh insights into what it means to live out faith in the God whose generosity generates yet more life and love." (Dr Rachel Starr)

Why not read Ruth this month and engage with us in our services and Home Groups. This week we begin with chapter 1 and the character of Orpah.

This Sunday (10am onwards on our YouTube Channel) chapter 1 will be the focus and Orpah our star, following which you are invited to join us for 'Zoom' Home Groups on Tuesdays at 2pm or 8pm where there will be an opportunity for further discussion and greater depth. Contact Revd. Hibberts for more information on the Zoom Groups.

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