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Children's Church at Home

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We've created new page aimed at families who need worship resources for their children as they worship together at home. If you have kids and want to involve them in worship, we know how difficult that can be! Spend a few moments before the service looking through these ideas and downloading the relevant resources!

You'll find it here...

A message from Katie (our families worker) "During this time of social distancing we will continue to plan a children's church session for our younger church family each week. You will be able to download this so that you can do it at home as a family to help your children explore the theme that Rev. Peter preaches on in his service (you can catch up with services at . These activities may require some resources but they should be things you can gather up from your homes.

There are also a PDF of activity sheets which the children can complete during the service. All you'll need is a pen/pencil and some colouring pens and to print off the sheets before the service starts. Enjoy!"

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