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Circuit Plan Dec 21 – Feb 22

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Believe it or not we will soon be in the season of Advent, counting down the Sundays by lighting the Advent wreath. The observant amongst you will have noticed that the First Sunday of Advent was actually on the September-November plan as Advent is nearly as early as it can be!

Looking at the plan you can see the various services that will take place to help us in our Advent preparation, and the details for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services are on the back page. The first Sunday of Christmas this year falls on Boxing Day and the vast majority of churches have chosen not to have services. There will however be a service at Charles Street at 10.30am, and this will also be live streamed via YouTube.

Also looking at the plan you will see that Hope Community is now included as the church families at Barnbygate and Hawtonville have merged to form a new church family effective from 1st November. The plan clearly indicates where the services take place Sunday by Sunday as both buildings continue to be used for the time being. Southwell have also moved their morning service time to 10.30am.

January will see Covenant Services taking place throughout the circuit, with the invitation to once more renew or make for the first time the commitment to follow God revealed in Jesus Christ. Covenant reminds us of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ and to truly be open to God calling us, leading us and transforming us. The plan concludes just before the start of Lent, before we prepare to remember another journey.

I hope and pray that the season of Advent enables you to prepare to once more remember the miracle and wonder of the incarnation; our God contracted to a span, incomprehensibly made man.

I pray that you will have a blessed Christmas and peaceful New Year.

Every blessing


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