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Circuit TOGETHER #1 – 30-9-20

Here is the first edition of the new, collaborative TOGETHER magazine! In this week's edition Revd Nathan Falla writes about 'Signs of Hope'; our prayers, hymns and Sunday sermon are on the harvest theme by Revd Peter Bates, and Children activities have been compiled by Katie Hibberts.

There is also information about our New Series ('A way of Life') and some 'Bubble Church' questions that you may wish to reflect on! I hope you find it helpful but feedback is always appreciated!

If you would like to contribute to TOGETHER, then do get in touch, we are aiming to collaborate with as many folk as we can, moving forward – a real circuit team!

Look out for this week's YouTube service which is hosted this week by Balderton Methodist Church and if you would like to be involved, face-to-face, in Bubble Church then do get in touch with your minister!

© 2025 – Newark & Southwell Methodist Circuit