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June-August Preaching Plan

11th May 2022

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Sitting in my study on a wet day in May I am looking forward to the summer and all that it will bring; for me it is the chance for holiday with the family, tour with the National Methodist Youth Brass Band, time at Methodist Conference and hopefully, some warmer weather.

The ministers gathered at the start of this week to make the Summer plan, very conscious that Revd Peter Bates is going on sabbatical imminently and the potential difficulties of filling the plan. Three hours later the task was nearly done with the grateful thanks to all those who have offered to lead worship and particularly to those who have been generous with the appointments that they have offered. We even have two visiting preachers, my Dad Clive Falla has offered to preach when he comes up to visit, and Revd Peter Sulston is making a return to the Circuit.

The observant among you may have already noticed that we have had to be particularly creative with 28th August. Having given every church at least one Local Arrangement and only having one preacher available for the remaining 5 services when we got to the last Sunday in the plan, we decided to do something a bit different. On the morning of 28th August there will be just two services taking place in Methodist Churches across the circuit, one in Balderton (led by Revd Peter Bates) and one in Southwell (led by Revd Peter Hibberts) and you are invited to attend whichever service you like. They are both CommunionServices, will have a common theme, and may even try and link up in some way!

This new plan also recognises that after many faithful years of service Geoff Ayers has handed over the reigns of Circuit Treasurer to Andrew Trowbridge. Words alone are not adequate to express our thanks to Geoff for all that he has brought to the role.

This plan begins with the celebration of the birth of the Church with Pentecost, and I pray that we would all know the breath of the Spirit renewing and guiding us.

Every blessing


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