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New Year and New Beginnings at Balderton

The New Year has seen the start of two new ventures in Balderton, as well as the re-opening of all the usual activities after Christmas, including the coffee morning and warm space on Mondays, Baldertots and Boys Brigade on Tuesdays, and our monthly Community Breakfast on the second Saturday. This month, nearly ninety people from the church and local community enjoyed breakfast (or brunch) and a friendly chat whilst keeping our cooks very busy!

A few days later, the Wesley Café fully opened for the first time, offering a warm welcome, light lunches and fresh, home-baked cakes, as well as tea and coffee to folks in the village.

Then, on 18th January, we had lots of fun building on firm (or not so firm!) foundations at a "Messy Church" taster session. After a four-year hiatus, due to the pandemic and our recent refurbishment project, Messy Church will open its doors again from 3.30 pm to 5.30 pm on the 1st February 2024 and on the first Thursday of the month thereafter. A great opportunity for families to get together to enjoy craft activities, food, informal worship and generally making a mess! More details here.

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