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This weekend Hope Community Methodist Church are delighted to be hosting The National Methodist Youth Brass Band (NMYBB). The band will be giving a concert at the Barnbygate site at 7.30pm on Saturday with the retiring collection supporting both the Circuit charity for the year "Afghan Welcome" and the "All We Can and The Methodist Church Emergency Appeal for Ukraine."

On Sunday morning the band will be leading worship with the Revd Nathan Falla (playing member and one of the chaplains of the band), and all are welcome.

The band are really excited to be coming to Newark after their plan trip in April 2020 had to be cancelled. During the pandemic they gave several virtual concerts, and were most recently together to contribute to 3Generate (The Methodist Church's Children and Youth Assembly). This will be the first full band weekend (giving a full concert and playing for Sunday worship) since the band met in Februrary 2020.

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