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Re-Imagine Church III

reimagining church flyer

These are strange times for all organisations but we're seeing this as a call to RE-IMAGINE CHURCH!

What might God be saying to us through the pandemic? What changes have been forced as a result of the pandemic? What have we learned through the pandemic that we could take into our post-lockdown experience of church?

We in the Newark and Southwell Methodist Circuit are calling everyone to PRAYER and to SHARE together in seeking God's will. Is this the time for a new wineskin to be fashioned for God to pour out new wine?

Join us for dedicated times of prayer for the future of the church and listening to what God might be saying. Join us to share our thoughts and ideas about what we feel God might be leading us into.

We need you to take your place in this conversation so please join us for the third pair of 'RE-IMAGINING CHURCH' concluding Sunday 13th September, 2pm to SHARE on Zoom. (EARLIER THAN PREVIOUSLY ADVERTISED) Zoom details available on request.

If these times are unsuitable then don't worry, we'll hold more sessions at various times as we'd like as many involved as possible! If you'd like to know more then please get in touch with your minister.

© 2025 – Newark & Southwell Methodist Circuit