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Remembrance Day in Collingham

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Remembrance Sunday in Collingham.

The Village United Service this year was led by Reverend Peter Bates at the Methodist church. Over 200 people attended including Ex-Service and present Service Personnel, Scouts, Guides, Cubs, Brownies, Beavers and Rainbows, and also representatives from the Collingham branch of the Royal British Legion, the Collingham Fire Brigade and the Parish Council.

After the service the congregation marched along the High Street to the village War Memorial where wreaths were laid. The trumpeter was Roger Bryan of Newark Town Band who played the Last Post and Reveille in the Methodist Church and at the War Memorial.

The Remembrance Service brings the village together and for some attending this may be the only appearance in a formal church service during the year. This service introduces many youngsters in the uniformed organisations to the concept of the Christian faith. It also acts as a reminder of the sacrifice of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers when they hear the names read out and recognise their own surnames. It also brings cooperation from the village, e.g. the benches is used as seating for the younger groups are gym benches borrowed from the village primary school
J.Y. & O.Y.

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