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Potato Growing Competition Continues Despite Lockdown!
Southwell Methodist Church is continuing it's potato-growing competition despite the lockdown, with its gathering plans shelved for a celebration when the lockdown is lifted. Check out the photos of some of our as yet unharvested entries! They're looking great!

The competition began back in February when community members and school children were invited to purchase seed potatoes for planting, aiming to have the biggest crop, largest single potato or oddest shaped potato in order to win prizes!

All the proceeds raised from the sale of the seed potatoes have already been donated to 'All We Can', the international charity which is supporting potato farmers in Ethiopia. It was hoped that thecelebration events (originally planned for 4th July) would also raise money for the worthy cause but as gatherings are not currently allowed, it was postponed.

Donations can still be made through the 'All We Can' website: participants have been contacted with arrangements and we're looking forward to an opportunity to meet together in the not too distant future to celebrate the project and where possible add to the fund-raising! More information can be found at the church website:

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