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Thy Kingdom Come Day 4: Sorry

thy kingdom come day 4

For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. Indeed, rarely will anyone die for a righteous person--though perhaps for a good person someone might actually dare to die. But God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us.
Romans 5.6-8

What's beautiful about the Christian story is that God loved us before we came to the realisation that we were sinners. Before we turned to accept God's love, God already loved us.
The love of God we see shown in countless Bible stories comes from a broken heart. It is a love for someone that feels like an ache in the pit of the stomach. The kind of love that would do anything, however irrational it may seem to others, to find what is lost. As we shall read in tomorrow's reflection, it is the love which risks everything for the sake of one who is lost.

Loving God, I am sorry for the times when I have not loved others as you love. Thank you that, before I thought of confessing, you had forgiven me. I confess all that is not right in my life today and ask for the forgiveness you so lovingly give. May this love transform my friends' lives also.

This week, how will I lay aside something important to me, so as to better serve one of my five?

Adapted for website and FaceBook purposes from material written by Thelma Commey (Methodist Youth President 2019/2020)

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