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TOGETHER 10 – 2-12-20

The tenth edition of the united circuit newsletter TOGETHER is now available. This week the service comes from Collingham and the preacher is Barrie Morley with a message about Hope.

A number of folk have asked about Carol Singing opportunities over the last week or so and so we've included an article by Ruby Beech about 'Carols on the Doorstep.' There are a number of opportunities to do this. Why not invite your street to participate. Carol sheets can be downloaded and printed and then all you need to do is tune in on your radio at the right time, take it with you onto your doorstep and join your neighbours in a great, socially-distanced sing song! (You could even take out some mulled wine and a minced pie or two!!)

Please also check out the MHA Friendship Appeal – it's a great way to connect with our MHA homes over Christmas but the deadline is the 10th December so you don't have long!

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