Hi Folks,
I hope you are well.
The TOGETHER newsletter for 22nd July (19) is now available. The focus this week is the parable of the weeds which will be the focus of Sunday's service (available on our YouTube Channel from 9:45am on Sunday – 26th) and will be deepened in our midweek study group on Tuesday (28th) at 2pm or 8pm. If you'd like to join the study groups you'd be most welcome – for more details do get in touch! It's a tricky passage this week with much to discuss!
Conversations about re-imagining church are well underway and I hope you'll find a way to get involved in these conversations (see the newsletter for more details). As the newsletter outlines, we are looking both at how we can reimagine church and the practicalities of reopening. Your continued patience and prayers are very much appreciated.
If you'd like to talk with me or for me to pray with you, please do get in touch!