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Together 25 is now available and this week the service is brought to you form North Muskham Methodist Church. Our prayers have been collated and written by Carolyn and June Suter and the main article is the Palm Sunday sermon from Revd Peter Hibberts. This week's newsletter has information about Holy Week services and an article written by Hazel King of Charles Street Methodist Church where she reflections on time in lockdown.

Having journeyed together for a year now, since the last lockdown my prayers are with you all and I look forward to the glimmers on the horizon that promise of a less restricted opportunity to gather be for long. If you are, for the first time in a while, able to make plans to see family or even attend one of the face to face services on Easter Day, then I pray your plans come to safe fruition. If you feel you need to wait a little longer then may God also be with you by the power of the Holy Spirit.

© 2025 – Newark & Southwell Methodist Circuit