Happy New Year!
TOGETHER 63 is now available and is a New Year/Covenant edition. This Sunday is also our online Circuit Covenant service. Whilst many folk will be taking part in an in-person Covenant service at your own church, if you find yourself feeling like you are not ready to be at church in-person just yet and miss being present with your church family we want you to have the opportunity to take part in the Covenant Prayer and by God’s spirit be together with your own church family. This service will be available from 10:30am on Sunday (2nd January) and to watch back at any point.
My prayer is that you will notice God alongside you this coming year and know that God has a plan for you, to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11).
If you would like a chat or a prayer, do please get in touch!