Newark & Southwell Methodist Circuit Logo Link
Newark & Southwell
Methodist Circuit


News 4
Church Holiday

Join members of the congregation on a Travel Wright holiday in June.

News 2
Community Groups

Community groups that meet here: Hawton & District WI Slimming World U3A groups The church supports Newark Food bank.

HMC Holiday at Home
Holiday at Home

A week of fun for the over 60s at the beginning of August every year. Meet every afternoon from 2.00 to 4.30 to enjoy quizzes and games, art and craft, jigsaws,

HMC Lunch Club dinner
Lunch Club

Lunch club meets on the 2nd Friday of the month at 12.00 noon for a cooked meal followed by a speaker. Spaces are limited – please contact the church to put your

HMC Messy Church Banner
Messy Church

Messy church happens on the first Wednesday of the month in term time, 3 30 – 5 30 pm. Bring your grown-up, bring your friends to enjoy craft activities, story

News 4
Monday Working Party

Monday working party meets in the church 9 am to 12 noon, to keep the building in good repair.

Seventh Day Adventists

Seventh Day Adventists worship here on Saturday morning.

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Songs of Praise in the Garden

Songs of Praise in the Garden takes place in August each year.

HMC Tea & Chat hands
Tea & Chat

Tea & Chat meets on the 1st Monday of the month 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm. Come and put the world to rights with a piece of cake.

News 3
Thursday Walking Group

Thursday Walking Group meets fortnightly at 10 30 am for an outing where those who can go for a walk and those who can't have a short stroll and a sit down,

News 1
Tuesday Housegroups

Tuesday Housegroups meet for Bible study once a month. Choose an afternoon or an evening group.

Advent Parade at Hawtonville 8 December 2019
Uniformed organisations

Uniformed organisations: Guides, Brownies, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers meet through the week, and join in Parade Services at Harvest, Christmas, and Mothering

Praying hands
Wednesday Prayer Meeting

Wednesday Prayer Meeting starts at 9 am. Communion is celebrated on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. Prayer requests may be left in the book in the church entrance.


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Womens Fellowship

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Female with glasses

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in Newark & Southwell

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© 2024 – Newark & Southwell Methodist Circuit