Newark & Southwell Methodist Circuit Logo Link
Newark & Southwell
Methodist Circuit
Cast of Zechariah
Open the Book gets started!
Published: 04/11/2024

Newark's new Open the Book team had their first dress rehearsal today, in preparation for an assembly at Long Bennington Church of England Academy on 25th November.

Peak Wesley Way Pilgrimmage Flyer
Peak Wesley Way Pilgrimmage
Published: 19/09/2024

You're invited to be part of a Pilgrimage organised by our Circuit. It's an invitation to be part of a small group engaging in the ancient practice of pilgrimage

Messy Good Friday 2
Messy Good Friday
Published: 31/03/2024

We had a great time in Balderton on Good Friday, when individuals and families, adults and children, came together for crafts, music, worship and an Easter Egg Hunt.

Balderton Community Breakfast
New Year and New Beginnings at Balderton
Published: 21/01/2024

The New Year has seen the start of two new ventures in Balderton, as well as the re-opening of all the usual activities after Christmas, including the coffee morning

Duncan and Smudge
Bringing a message of hope from Romania
Published: 04/01/2024

Early on the morning of the 25th of November, a tired local preacher and a very scared cat arrived in Newark after a thirty-hour journey by van from Romania. This

welcome online
Taking church to the online Community
Published: 26/07/2022

Balderton Church Online Platform Join us on a journey to create an online community. Watch the service together with others in the comfort of your own home. Interact

Stop, look & listen
Published: 17/06/2020

Here is a letter from the Superintendent Minister for you to download explaining the current situation and thinking in the circuit about opening the churches for

Quiz heading
Free Online Quiz
Published: 31/05/2020

Balderton Methodist Church are in the process of redeveloping its premises. We adapting the church buildings into a Community Hub for the old and young alike of

Strangly Warmed 24-05-2020
Sunday 24th May | Aldersgate & Ascension
Published: 23/05/2020

Join Revd Nathan tomorrow morning as he leads worship for Aldersgate Sunday in Ascensiontide live on the Circuit

St Peter Port, Guernsey
Published: 09/05/2020

A reflection from the Superintendent – Revd Nathan Falla Having been brought up on Guernsey this weekend is very special. As Britain marked the 75th Anniversary

Christian Aid Sunday
Christian Aid Sunday
Published: 09/05/2020

Tomorrow is the beginning of Christian Aid week and at 10.30 on the Circuit YouTube Channel ,Revd Nathan

Christian Aid
Christian Aid 2020
Published: 04/05/2020

Next week sees Christian Aid Week 2020. Normally Christian Aid week sees house to house collections, and various fundraising actvities, all of which are not possible

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